woman sitting on floor looking depressed as a result of mental health

Emotional stress puts a toll on our physical and psychological health. The littlest transitions could disrupt our wellbeing and trigger powerful reactions; especially if circumstances are sudden or generate unexpected outcomes. Any kind of change, whether big or small, can disturb someone’s sound mind. Although mental health awareness is gaining momentum, speaking about the subject openly is still sometimes frowned upon. Be the driver of change and watch out for how you and others cope with these life-changing situations.\



It wreaks havoc to the usual routine and often brings about feelings of solitude and shock; whether a divorce or a relationship termination was anticipated or not. Until life gets rewired to its default cycle, sufferers might feel out of control. Exploring inner feelings and devising coping methods can help to get your wellbeing back.

person tearing a photograph of a couple after a breakup or divorce



Post-natal depression may be experienced after birth, due to increased responsibilities, continuous dependence from child/children and lack of sleep. With the physical toll of childbirth and the overall ordeal of change, post-natal depression hits between 9% to 21% of women. Symptoms can be varied – from fatigue to decreased energy levels, low moods and heightened worry. Fathers, siblings and grandparents may suffer just the same. Mental health should not be taken lightly – it’s what keeps us positive and moving forward.

mother lying on sofa suffering from exhaustion and postnatal depression



The shock of discovery is enough to put anyone in a bubble, whether the disease has affected yourself or a close relative or friend. Accepting the role of a patient is a challenging trail. One may feel denial, anxiety, fear, guilt, sadness, anger and loneliness. Everyone deals differently when hard times land. Seeking mental health guidance to deal with a health crisis can help to alleviate this difficult situation.

cancer patient going through chemotherapy



When the time comes and a close person leaves the physical world, many feelings overtake us; most commonly disbelief, confusion and shock if it is an unexpected loss; guilt, sadness, anger and despair if the person was very close, and denial and yearning given the sudden bereavement. The type of death also implies how we deal with the aftermath. A child’s death brings about irrationality and desperation; a spousal loss creates worries about social adjustments and financial crisis if the deceased was the breadwinner. Losing an elderly relative might feel like all his or her lifetime’s experiences have been blown in the wind; whilst death as a result of suicide might bring burden, given the difficulties of coming to terms with the event.

two hand palms on top of each other representing the loss of a loved one


When tough times hit, surround yourself with positive people. Infuse life with a sense of tranquillity through professional assistance from mental health professionals at specialised support services. Richmond Foundation Malta was founded to assist the Maltese community with mental health difficulties and to combat the stigma about the subject. For better mental health, contact their professionals and pave your way to wellbeing.