Despite the delay in embracing the hype of electric vehicles compared to other European countries, Malta has seen an increase in the knowledge and importation of EVs during the last few years. Considered as the “latest tech” when it comes to automobiles, the word “electric” is suddenly on everyone’s minds.
Ever considered upgrading your combustion engine ride to its newer tech counterpart? Whether that’s a yes or a no, it’s good to have all the information in hand to make a decision that’s sustainable to the environment and your pockets!
Electric vehicle charging pillars started being installed in Malta around 10 years ago. Within this decade, many cities have seen continued additions throughout the years; with 130 new ones installed across the island in 2021 alone. Until the end of the year 2022, there were 362 charging points, present in 70 towns and villages across Malta.
With the promise of carbon neutrality by 2050, the government is set to add more EV charging points across the island in the future, to enable electric car owners the ease and flexibility of keeping their automobiles running.
Consumers purchasing a brand-new electric vehicle have to fork out thousands; at times a higher cost than a similar automobile which runs on conventional fuel.
Whilst that is the element of value when getting an automobile using the latest tech, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, together with Transport Malta, provide new EV owners the possibility of getting around €4000 back through an incentive purchase scheme.
Furthermore, drivers see a massive reduction in the cost of their annual driving licences which are usually based upon the carbon emissions of their car. With electric vehicles registering zero harmful emissions, yearly licence fees for EVs amount to just €10 per year.
Possibly the biggest advantage of owning an electric vehicle is the reduction in the day-to-day expenses of keeping it running.
Whilst fuel consumption depends on the size of the engine for combustion vehicles, an electric car records around 80% cost-cutting bills. That means that for every €10 one used to spend on fuel, an EV requires just €2 of electricity.
With parking being such a worrying topic for many, drivers are continuously looking for garage options to park their car when all the street spaces are occupied.
Apart from protecting vehicles from harsh weather conditions that might slowly damage an automobile, garage owners have the possibility of installing an electric car charging station within such properties and comfortably charge their auto at their convenience.
Whereas fuel-powered cars require frequent maintenance checks due to a gas-powered engine, electric vehicles run on engines powered by electricity and require much less lubrications.
That’s like saying goodbye to large amounts of euros spent on maintenance and repairs, as well as peace of mind that you won’t end up without a car for long stretches of time.
- https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/comment/blogs/116442/shaping_the_islands_charging_ev_infrastructure#.Y75zSuzMJfU
- https://www.electricvehiclesmalta.eu/overview/detail/electric_vehicles_purchase_scheme
- https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/is-malta-ready-for-electric-vehicles-to-go-mainstream.916284